Wouldn't it be fabulous to create one of these stupid phrases and be able to collect royalties on it every single time it was used and overused? (insert opening of Pink Floyd's 'Money' here.)
Here are just a few of what makes my head explode (oops, I think that's a stupid phrase now from overuse)
At the End of the Day - this should only be said when the actual end of the day is meant. Not when the speaker means: When this is over with.
I love Him/Her to Death - WFT? So, once they kick the bucket there goes your love and affection? No, people use this expression when they pretty much mean the opposite. They really want to say: You drive me in-friggin-sane and I would kill you right here on the spot if I could get away with it.
Not for Nothing - This one's been around a LONG time and it's pretty much granddaddy to the: I love him/her to death above. It's tantamount to No Offense But...[insert insult here]
Grandkids - Grant it, it's only one word and not a phrase, but it's stupid. It's grandchildren. Not kids.
Think Outside the Box - This one has truly outlived its usefulness.
Years Young - I find is insulting when someone (usually a local radio station sending out birthday announcements) says, 'Happy Birthday to Edna Blodgett who turns 83 years young today.' Just drop the 'years young' and stop patronizing the elderly.
Any Percentage More than 100, - Ask any 5th grader. Saying you've given something 110% is silly. Stop it. Then it sounds like you're lying to cover up for NOT having giving it even 100%.
From the Get-Go - What's wrong with: From the beginning? OR: From the start? Get-Go? Is that some down-home cutesie expression? It needs to stop.
Step up to the Plate - OK, again, stop it. Really. Another baseball analogy to make us feel like we're Team Players? Quit it. Honestly. I could scream. How about: Wow, you really too the initiative with this project and I'm pleased with the results?
Hit The Ground Running - You might think this is another sports analogy, but it's probably military-related. Soldiers being reminded not to jump out of the helicopter or exited the back of a canvas covered truck and stroll for cover but to put a bit of hurry-up in their gait.
EVOO - I had to stop watching Rachel Ray's cooking show because of those four letters. Do people have that much of a time constraint on their lives that they don't have time to say: Extra Virgin Olive Oil?
There are lots and lots of words in the dictionary. Try to use your imagination and impress others with your individuality. Create your own new phrases. And maybe they'll catch on and after they're beaten into the ground and almost come to mean the opposite of what you intended, I'll add them to my list.