So, you take that next step and type in the name you knew them by and if you get a hit you read their info to determine if they seem to be just as (circle as many as apply): hot, intelligent, empty-headed, fun, shallow, earnest, self-centered, worthy of being a recipient of the (circle one or more): Humanitarian of the Year Award, Pulitzer Prize in Chemistry, FBI's Most Wanted, number one spot on the New York Times Bestseller List, Amway Salesperson of the Year, as they were back in school.
Intrigued with what you've learned (or repulsed but unable to turn away), you decide to contact this person. You figure you'll keep it light, just give a shout out, let 'em know you're still kicking and, who knows, maybe get together for coffee and catch up on old times.
Are you sure you want to go there? Have you not heard some of the horror stories? Don't you know that asking an old 'friend' to 'friend' you or 'poke' them is just as wrong as playing with a Ouija board? Evil could be lurking just on the other side. Hold off and rethink the thing before you invite God-knows-what into your life.